Monday, 21 August 2017

Animation Courses in Singapore – It might open you to New Opportunities in the Animation Domain

Are you very much into animation? If so, then probably you know that animation, whether CG (Computer Generated) or conventional, is not only about hi-tech and graphic-rich movies. Rather it can be defined as a discipline that is in vogue across a wide range of platforms, right from media channels, mobile apps, to websites and way beyond that. So, do you see a future animator in you? Then why wait? Find a well-acclaimed institution and get started. Animation Courses in Singapore worth their salts. So, you should check them out!

The changed scenario of animation
The entire scenario of animation has changed manifolds since its conception and launch in the market. Earlier, the viewpoint of people and companies towards animation was not that positive. However, with time, things have changed drastically. Increasing brand interest has changed the face of the animation industry to a great extent and new trends are making their ways in.
Do you remember one of the most popular forms of animation, i.e. whiteboard animation? Well, the domain of animation has come a long way since that era, when whiteboard animation was the in thing. So, what are the latest trends in the animation industry? Read on to know about them.
Pictures boarded the train from illustration and the destination is animation. Bridging the gap between illustration and animation is not tough. All an illustrator needs to consider are – design as well as timing. An animator uses the images to add motion to them.  Scripting would ease the process to a great deal. However, one of the first challenges in front of an illustrator is transforming a handmade drawing to its digital avatar.
Axonometric projection
It is also known as parallel perspective and is used for making an illustrative sketch of a given object. According to industry experts, it is one of the most cost-effective tools for presenting a three-dimensional entity in a two-dimensional plane. One of the main advantages of parallel perspective is, it allows you to draw a 120-degree angle. This ease makes 3D rendering economical. Although the level of intricacy related to it is a kind of shortcoming, the advantages are huge.
3D Animation
Needless to mention, but 3D animation is becoming popular day by day and has made its place in almost every industry. 3D animation and printing have revolutionized the genre of StopMotion animation. With the help of high-end 3D printers, literally, a number of facial expressions can be generated in no time, thus helping the CGI and Stop Motion experts with their work.
Apart from the above-mentioned trends, liquid motion animation, handcraft, life-like animations are some of the latest trends associated with animation. So, if you want to become an expert animator, opting for an animation course is what you should do. You have Animation Courses in Singapore to check with.

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